The Center for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation recently co-hosted “Strategic Coastal Planning and Organizing for California Native Nations” in partnership with Sacred Places Institute for Indigenous Peoples, Climate Science Alliance, California State Lands Commission, and the West Coast Tribal Caucus. This two-day event brought together numerous tribal nations and state agencies to discuss the future of marine planning.
The objectives the meeting were to (1) increase tribal awareness and involvement in local and regional marine planning, (2) improve tribal-state relationships, focusing on environmental justice and tribal consultation policies, and (3) coordinate and strategize tribal efforts, where possible, centering around local and regional marine planning.
The event included members from the West Coast Tribal Caucus, a group of tribes and tribal entities along the West Coast that participate in or are members of either the West Coast Regional Planning Body or the West Coast Ocean Partnership. Multiple officials from the state were in attendance, including California State Controller Betty Yee and representatives from the Native American Heritage Commission, State Lands Commission, California Coastal Commission, California Coastal Conservancy, and Department of Water Resources. The Director of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Dr. Margaret Leinen, provided a welcome address at the evening reception.
The Center is proud to partner with regional tribal nations, and to provide support in the planning process of this successful and important event.