The Center for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation has sponsored the inaugural Climate Art Fellowship program, organized by the Climate Science Alliance, selecting Audrey Carver as the first fellow. Audrey Carver has been an Affiliated Artist of the Climate Science Alliance for two years, leading numerous climate art projects and activities.
The Center and the Alliance believe in the power of art to transform the dialogue on climate resilience and interpret and disseminate climate science in new and unique ways. Specifically, we feel the products that will come out of our partnership with Audrey and future Climate Art Fellows will help us engage with local communities on climate impacts and solutions to help make informed decisions that will enhance their resilience to climate change impacts.
Audrey will spend quality one-on-one time with the Center and Alliance team, meeting with our partners, affiliated researchers and community leaders to gain insight and inspiration. By the end of August, we will unveil Audrey’s collaborative pieces and look forward to adding them to the traveling “Art of Change” show.
We look forward to working with Audrey and appreciate her desire to share her vision, creativity and expertise with us and our partners. Stay tuned for Climate Art updates on our blog and social media channels.
Learn more about Audrey and her work here.