Resilient Future ProjectImperial BeachHistoric TrendsHistoric CDIP Wave BuoyHistoric Pier Wave HeightPast EventsBeach ProfilesPalm Ave. Beach ProfilesCortez Ave. Beach ProfilesDescanso Ave. Beach ProfilesEncanto Ave. Beach ProfilesEnd of Seacoast Dr. Beach ProfilesBeach WidthBeach Width: North IBBeach Width: South IBBeach Width: South of Seacoast Dr.Latest ObservationsCDIP Wave BuoyLiDAR Beach ElevationPier Wave HeightSD Bay Tide PredictionsFlood ForecastHistoric Beach Width Resilient Futures: Historic Beach Width Hover over a spot on the line to examine the point's x and y values. To zoom on a specific section, click and drag the box on the plot. To reset, right click.