Written by: Maren Hale Saturday, August 12, 2023 was a landmark day for the field of heat and health in San Diego. For the very first time in our region, …
Coastlines and People Hub Website goes Live
The NSF Coastlines and People hub, which Center and associated researchers were awarded in late 2022 (read about it here) has a new website! Check it out to learn more …
Can Green Spaces Mitigate Heat-related Hospitalizations?
Center researcher Maren Hale recently attended AGU Fall Meeting, where she shared her masters’ program capstone work on green space as a heat wave adaptation strategy in an eLightning talk. …
What is a Marine Heatwave?
In the last decade, several incidents of extreme ocean temperatures have occurred off the coast of California, commonly referred to as marine heatwaves. The unusually warm waters and dramatic fisheries …
KPBS Interviews Scripps Scientists on Record-Breaking Ocean Temperatures
Record-breaking high temperatures in San Diego’s ocean waters have been making headlines nationwide. KPBS recently interviewed Dr. Dan Rudnick, a Scripps physical oceanographer and Center research affiliate, amongst other Scripps …
Pollution Tied to One-Fifth of Infant Deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa, New Study Finds
A recent paper, co-authored by research affiliate Dr. Jen Burney, finds that air pollution is strongly related to infant mortality rates in sub-Saharan Africa — with the pollution being responsible …
Landscape Characteristics Influence Risk of Adverse Health Effects, Study Confirms
Dr. Tarik Benmarhnia, an affiliated researcher at the Center for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation, co-authored a systematic review quantifying the effect of landscape characteristics on levels of adverse health …
How Temperature Increases and Heat Waves Influence Hospital Admission Rates in California
Dr. Sasha Gershunov and Dr. Kristen Guirguis, affiliated researchers of the Center for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation, co-authored a paper examining the effects of temperature and heat waves on …